Sellincourt Primary School

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Aim High Achieve your Full Potential


You can contact our Chair of Governors by email at:

School Governors

Curriculum & Achievement Committee

The Curriculum and Achievement Committee will oversee pupil achievement, ensuring the school provides a high quality learning experience and delivers a broad and balanced curriculum in keeping with the school's aims, all pupils and legal requirements. The committee will monitor and evaluate all relevant Equality Objectives.

George Royce 

Co-opted Governor 

Chair of Governors

Link Governor for Safeguarding and Leadership & Management including attendance & punctuality

Term of Office: 06/2026

Appointed by: Governing Body

Barbara Drew

Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair

Chair of Curriculum & Achievement Committee 

Term of Office: 11/2027

Appointed by: Governing Body

Duncan Holding

Co-opted Governor

Link Governor for Curriculum Member of Curriculum & Achievement Committee

Term of office:06/2028

Appointed by: Governing Body

Georgina Kennedy

Co-opted Governor

Link Governor for Quality of Teaching and Wellbeing

Term of Office: 11/2028

Appointed by: Governing Body

Devina Ferullo

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 03/2026

Appointed by: Governing Body

Emily Christou

Co-opted Governor 

Term of Office: 11/2027

Appointed by: Governing Body

Jan Raposa

Parent Governor

Term of Office: 11/2028

Appointed by: Governing Body

Hayley Clayton


Term of Office: 09/2025

Appointed by: Ex-Officio

Finance, Premises & Personnel Committee

 The Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee will have oversight of finance and personnel issues and ensure that the school operates within the financial regulations of the local authority and complies with Department of Education and Schools Financial Value Standard requirements, responding to any issues arising from the audit of the school's accounts or Schools Financial Value Standard review and ensure value for money.  The committee will monitor and evaluate staffing policies and procedures and agree the staffing establishment and structure.  It will also have oversight of premises,  health & safety and issues relating to the whole school community.  The committee will draw up medium and long term plans relating to the repair, maintenance and development of the premises.  The committee will monitor the school's contribution to pupil well-being, including the extent to which pupils feel safe, adopt healthy lifestyles and contribute to the school and wider community.

George Royce 

Co-opted Governor 

Chair of Governors 

Link Governor for Safeguarding and Leadership & Management including attendance & punctuality

Term of Office: 06/2026

Appointed by: Governing Body

Peter Brotherton

Co-opted Governor 

Vice Chair

Joint Chair of Finance Premises & Personnel Committee

Term of Office: 11/2025

Appointed by: Governing Body 

Rishiraj Goenka 

Co-opted Governor

Joint Chair of Finance Premises & Personnel Committee

Link Governor for Leadership & Management including Attendance & Punctuality

Term of Office: 03/2028

Appointed by: Governing Body

Jessica Smart

Co-opted Governor 

Term of Office: 03/2028

Appointed by: Governing Body

Holly White

LA Governor

Term of Office: 03/2028

Appointed by: Governing Body

Hayley Clayton


Term of Office: 09/2025

Appointed by: Ex-Officio

Please Click here to see details of governors attendance at governing body and committee meetings

Please Click here to see Governors Register of Business Interests

Please Click here to see the Governors' Annual statement to Parents