Y3/4 Trip to Westminster Abbey
Dear Parents/Carers,
Next term, our new history topic will be Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. As part of this topic, we will be exploring Edward the Confessor and his impact on Britain during this time.
To further children’s knowledge, we will visit Westminster Abbey. The children will be able to experience a guided tour and ask any questions.
Trip dates
Year 3 – Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Year 4 – Thursday 30th January 2025
We will leave school at 10:30am with arrival at the Westminster Abbey for 11:15am. We will travel from Tooting Broadway tube station to St James’s Park tube station. We will have lunch before a guided tour at 1pm and then return back to school for 3:30pm.
All children in Year 3 and 4 are entitled to a free school meal and will be provided with a packed lunch as per previous choices. You will need to provide a bottle of water for your child to have with their packed lunch.
School uniform and sensible shoes should be worn on the day and children will need a rucksack in order to carry a water bottle and their packed lunch.
Please complete the consent form below for your child to take part in this trip. There is no cost for this trip.
We require parent volunteers. If you are able to volunteer for the day, please select the option on the consent form and your child’s teacher will notify you by the Wednesday 15th January, if you have been selected to support.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Stevens
Year 3 Class Teacher